Our Program
Our Program reflects an inquiry based play approach to learning where children are supported to learn and make meaning of their world through exploration and discovery.
We believe that learning will naturally occur in play contexts and our indoor and outdoor environments are designed to support this process. Our days are flexible and experiences are child led and also based on our observations of the children’s interests, strengths and abilities. Our cycle of planning reflects the children’s knowledge and understandings and aims to support children to reach their potential. There Is so much valuable learning that occurs in areas such as drawing, science, games, blocks, construction, dramatic play, cars, trucks etc that help develop skills, knowledge, understanding and dispositions for learning
Depending on the weather, our day generally starts with a variety of indoor experiences where children can choose to participate in activities to enhance critical thinking, literacy, mathematical concepts, expressive and creative arts, imaginative, social and language development.
Small or large group sessions are then held where children and staff come together to share stories, songs, movement and music or other areas of interest. We share fruit platters for morning tea and this time is also a lovely to time to develop social skills and interact positively with our friends.
Our outdoor program provides lots of opportunity to foster fundamental movement skills and enhance physical skills through climbing, riding bikes, ball play, free play and organised games. Our chickens, worm farm, creek bed, vegetable and garden beds also enable the children to learn about environmental awareness, sustainability, recycling, reusing and conservation. Whatever can be done indoors can be done outdoors too, so our outdoor environment also lends itself to art and craft, dramatic play, music, picnics and other activities.
After lunch, which may be indoors or outdoors, children have the opportunity to sleep or have some quiet time which can include yoga, resting on a mat, books, drawing, puzzles or other quiet activities. Sometimes our “Treasure Box” may be presented at this time. One child each day shares their news or special things from home with the children and staff. This builds self esteem, self confidence, social and language skills and is a very important part of our day. We also use this quite part of the day to engage in the Early Language Learning Australia (ELLA) Program where we are learning Japanese. This supports children when they transition to school as Japanese is also a language the children learn both in Primary and High School.
We have Susan Burke who comes once a week to run sessions on Music, Movement and Mindfulness.
From time to time we engage Aboriginal Educators to share history and culture and work on projects with the children.
There is further opportunity for another small or large group activity and more outdoor play before we all come together at the end of the day for either a group game or the ‘circle of friends’ which is a time for children to reflect on their day.
For more detailed information about our day to day experiences please see our parent handbook (on the Enrolments page).
Be You
Early Learning Program
Cooma North Preschool following on from our involvement with Kidsmatter Early Childhood has now transitioned to the Be You Early Learning program. We are passionate about promoting strategies and skills to enhance positive mental health in children and their families.
Be You aims to transform Australia’s approach to supporting children’s and young people’s mental health in early learning services and schools. Our vision is that every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient – a place where every child, young person, educator and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
Be You promotes mental health and wellbeing, from the early years to 18, and offers educators and learning communities evidence-based online professional learning, complemented by a range of tools and resources to turn learning into action. Be You empowers educators, helping them to develop valuable mental health skills and knowledge, while also providing an effective model for implementing a whole-learning community approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Be You is led by Beyond Blue with delivery partners Early Childhood Australia and headspace. Both partners have local teams of trained consultants to provide advice and support to early learning services and schools nationally to help implement a whole-learning community approach growing Australia’s most mentally healthy generation.
Transition to School
We work closely with the schools to support the children’s transitions to school.
We visit each of the schools during the year for performances, activities, special assemblies, events or just to visit the classrooms or library. Teachers from all of the schools also visit the Preschool to participate in experiences and talk to staff about the children who will be starting school in the following year. Because of our close proximity to Cooma North Public School the children become quite familiar with the school and some of the teachers. During their Kindergarten orientation we walk the children over to the school as a group. Along with more formal family and Teacher discussions there are many opportunities throughout the year for families to talk to staff about your child’s readiness for school. We provide many experiences throughout the year to foster social and independent skills which are so necessary to a child’s successful start to school.